Curated Reviews
"The only OS textbook worth reading."
David Culler
"I completed my second semester at TAMU this May and was awarded Best Undergraduate Faculty Award at our annual banquet! I must say that I have drawn a lot of inspiration from your book during these two semesters. I used the book as the course text in Spring."
Aakash Tyagi
"A quick word of thanks for your efforts on the book. I've found it exceptionally clear and concise. And on behalf of all the students, thanks for a reasonable pricetag."
Ben Zhao
Recent Articles from the Blog
Instructor solution sets
We have posted solution sets to the exercises in the 2nd edition on the instructor portion of the website. Registration and login is now required...
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Kindle edition is up!
We are happy to announce that OSPP, 2nd edition is now available in ebook format via the Kindle app for tablets and smartphones. The ebook...
Monday, September 7, 2015
Welcome to OS:PP 2nd Edition!
Welcome to our new website for Operating Systems: Principles and Practice, second edition, by Tom Anderson and Mike Dahlin. We have put together in one...
Friday, July 10, 2015